Saturday, September 8, 2012

September Clear out :: FREE STUFF

For pickup near Tobu Nerima station.
(Very small items can be taken to Ikebukuro or Akasaka Station for hand off)

IKEA SKORVA midbeam for MALM bed.
This isn't a complete bed frame!

It's a big thing of steel. If you're a doing a project and need something like this, it's yours!
There are also 4 thinner metal rods.
(see illustration)

IKEA MALM Bed Frame Side Panels - birth veneer. 200cm long x2
This isn't a complete bed frame!

We took apart the bed and are now using parts of the wood for a big desk. The side panels are just sitting in my house collecting dust.
If you're handy, maybe you can make a bookshelf or something useful?

IKEA SULTAN LADE Slatted bed base x2
If you're planning on buying a 160x200 (queen) bed, or two 80x200 beds, this is the bed base you need.

Stay tuned for October Clear Out!!